Our Post 1992 had the pleasure of spending the morning serving others at the new VA Hospital. We set up an area to serve coffee.tea, hot coco and misc.snacks,
Every person when asked was more than proud to state the branch of the military they served and joked with each other about which was the better branch. Many also shared their story of when and where they were stationed, it was amazing to see so many people all connected by the camaraderie and a common bond that seem to have no boundaries, only a brotherhood of brave men and women who defended our freedom.
It was both heartwarming and humbling to be able with such a simple gesture make their experience at the VA on a ordinary Friday morning just a little bit better.
Thank you to Post 1992, Hyatt Regency Veterans and Niagara water and To all who volunteered. We had an amazing time giving back to a few of our own.
We look so forward to being able to do it again soon.
One more picture from today's volunteer outing at the VA Hospital.Major credit needs to be given to our two Baristas for the day. We tried to estimate about how many cups of coffee these gentlemen made today and it was well over 200. Thank you gentleman!!
Every person when asked was more than proud to state the branch of the military they served and joked with each other about which was the better branch. Many also shared their story of when and where they were stationed, it was amazing to see so many people all connected by the camaraderie and a common bond that seem to have no boundaries, only a brotherhood of brave men and women who defended our freedom.
It was both heartwarming and humbling to be able with such a simple gesture make their experience at the VA on a ordinary Friday morning just a little bit better.
Thank you to Post 1992, Hyatt Regency Veterans and Niagara water and To all who volunteered. We had an amazing time giving back to a few of our own.
We look so forward to being able to do it again soon.
One more picture from today's volunteer outing at the VA Hospital.Major credit needs to be given to our two Baristas for the day. We tried to estimate about how many cups of coffee these gentlemen made today and it was well over 200. Thank you gentleman!!
Gentlemen we may bhave a web site